Monday, September 24, 2012

Andrew Chaplowitz on Relay For Life at Kean

"The truth has few allies these days". -Woody Harrelson

"He who answers a matter before he hears the facts – it is folly and shame to him.”
~ Proverbs 18:13

The Relay For Life is an event to be held at Kean University on October 7, 2012, on behalf of the American Cancer Society, to raise money for the ACS.

It is disturbing to me because the participants have the very best of intentions, and believe in their heart and soul, they are donating their time and resources to defeat the dreaded disease we all know as cancer.

Unforunately, the ACS has sold the public a bill of goods, influenced our perception of who they are and what they stand for. Because of the firm grip  the "world's most powerful and influential charity" has on the public,  my opposition may be dismissed as heresay and conspiratorial.

But before you rush to judgment.....

 Please understand that if any of the information contained in the link below were untrue, the ACS would have, as a remedy, a civil suit for defamation.

The sad fact is, they do not because when the facts are presented, there are no damages.

I know the participants did not wake up this morning and believe a stranger would ask them to change their minds about their commitment.  I ask only that they have an open heart and mind and exercise due diligence when donating to any cause.

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