While the alleged dangers of cell phone radiation continue to be debated in the court of public opinion, I am one who elect to err on the side of safety.
That being said, Blue Tube (not to be confused with "blue tooth") is a hands-free device that eliminates the majority of radiation by use of a tube similar to an M.D's stethoscope in place of metal. Verify: if you hold a gauss-meter next to phone, you will see a marked reduction in the S.A.R on the gauge.
Note: they are fragile, must be handled with kid hands. The way I see it: if I replace it 3x per year (cost: $40x3), the down side is I'm wasting ten bucks a month. If I don't use the Blue Tooth, then the downside is a possible serious health challenge. As I said, better to err on the side of overly-cautious.
note: the final verdict on cell phone and radiation is still up in the air, this is not an indictment of cell phone manufacturers.
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